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Celebrating 2022

Updated: Dec 20, 2024

2022 has been a great year for us.

Kimber earned her SIE SEE SCE SWE SCM SEM SWA SBA AKC Scentwork titles. Kimber also certified in tracking.

Remi earned his SIA SEA Scentwork AKC titles. He also earned his AKC Fast cat BCAT title. Remi had a blast dock diving and earned his AKC DN title.

Motley had a great year too. Motley and I had worked hard and she earned her AKC BN obedience title. She also earned her SEA SCA SIA SBA SWA SBE Scentwork titles. She also had a blast running fast cats and earned her BCAT AKC title. She also earned her AKC Temperament test ATT title.

Denver had a great year. She earned her AKC scentwork SCN SBN SEN SIN SWN titles in Louisville. She also had a blast running fast cats and earned her AKC BCAT title.

Last but not least earning the most titles this year is Jovi. Jovi earned her SCN SIN SEN SBN SWN AKC Scentwork titles. She finished her Canine Good citizen CGC CGCA CGCU titles. She also started working on her AKC trick dog titles and earned her TKN. Jovi also earned her AKC Temperament ATT title. We worked hard as a team and earned 36 AKC titles this year. I am so proud of my goldens. We have traveled to Kentucky three times, Oklahoma twice, and attended show several shows in Missouri. We are so excited to see where 2023 will lead us.



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