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Monday Morning Walk
Great morning walk with these two. We love getting up early and watching the sun rise.
Dec 8, 2020

Letters to Santa Claus
Kimber and Motley mailed their letters to Santa Claus on Sunday. They are hoping for more elk antlers, lots of treats and more toys.
Dec 8, 2020

Go Motley Go!
I just love working with Miss Motley on her retrieves. She just has a blast getting her dokkens and bringing them back to me. I couldn't...
Dec 8, 2020

Rally Fun For Kimber
Kimber is working on her Rally Intermediate title. She loves working with her mom. We are so proud of this girlie.
Dec 6, 2020

Frosty Morning Walk
Motley, Kimber, Remi and I had a wonderful training session and then a walk at the park. Motley and Kimber really liked the ducks on the...
Dec 5, 2020

Morning Hiking
Motley, Kimber and I had a blast hiking this morning. Cold weather can't keep us inside.
Dec 4, 2020

Great Start To The Morning
Remi and Kimber had a great time at the park this morning. Kimber especially liked the ducks on the pond.
Dec 4, 2020

Hunt Trial Fun
We got Motley's First WC Hunt trial today. I love to see how excited she is retrieving ducks.
Nov 10, 2020

AKC Scentwork Trial
Motley participated in her first AKC Scentwork trial in Kentucky. We are so proud of her! She had a blast. She earned her SNI and SNE...
Nov 1, 2020

Happy Halloween
Happy Halloween from our Super Heros!
Oct 31, 2020

BassPro Fun
Kimber took a trip to Bass Pro with us to buy duck decoys. She had never seen the fish tanks there before. Kimber loved watching the...
Oct 18, 2020

Louisville Fun
We had a lot of fun exploring after our trial was done each day.
Sep 23, 2020

Scentwork Fun
Last weekend we headed to Louisville, KY for an AKC Scentwork trial with Kimber. We had so much fun! She had 12 runs and was 12 for 12....
Sep 22, 2020

Water Retrieve Fun
This morning Motley had fun doing some water retrieve practice with friends and her sister. We also met a friend at the park to work on...
Aug 14, 2020

Tracking Fun
What a beautiful morning to go tracking. The temperature was in the 50's to low 60's. Both Kimber and Motley had great runs on their...
Aug 5, 2020

Virtual Rally Novice
Motley and I have been working on her Virtually Rally Novice title this summer. She need three qualifying scores and three different...
Aug 3, 2020

CGCA and CGCU Titles
Denver Nugget and Motley both earned their CGCA(Canine Good Citizen Advanced) and CGCU(Canine Good Citizen Urban) titles this last month....
Aug 1, 2020

Road Trip Fun
Motley and I had a fun little broad trip this week. We stopped at Terra Haute and found a great park to eat lunch at.
Jul 22, 2020

Motley TKI
We are so proud of our Motley! She earned her AKC Trick Dog Intermediate title.
Jun 28, 2020

Hiking Lessons From Motley
Today Motley and I went hiking. Today Miss Motley reminded me a few life lessons on our walk. 1. Stop and listen to the world around you....
Jun 26, 2020
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